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Database Creation and Deployment

Database Creation

Step 1. Choose Database Service

Lyrid offers a wide range of database services, choose the one most suitable for you

Step 2. Deployment Setting

Choose database deployment setting between shared or dedicated clusters and single or distributed region.

Lyrid free plan users can now get access to PostgreSQL and MinIO single instance databases and object storage. Users get access to the database name, endpoint, and password, everything they need to build and test out their applications. However, both are shared database instances, where the PostgreSQL database instance is hosted in 3 shared Kubernetes cluster regions: San Francisco (uswest1), Jakarta (apsoutheast1), and Frankfurt (eucentral1), while the MinIO shared instance is only available in San Francisco (uswest1). Pro + Enterprise users can get access to their own dedicated database and object storage instance.

Step 3. Summary

Confirm your database details and press "Create"