Managing Cloud Credentials
Connecting Public Cloud Credential to Lyrid Platform
Before you can use Public Cloud in Lyrid Platform , you also need to link the Cloud credential (AWS or GCP) into the account.
Adding AWS credential
To add AWS Secret Key and Access Key, run the following command:
lc cloud add --framework "AWS" --key "<AWSKey>" --secret "<AWSSecret>"
Adding GCP credential
To add the GCP JSON file, run the following command
lc cloud add --framework "GCP" --json <json-file-location>
Currently only one cloud credential per cloud framework per account is possible, adding another cloud account credential of the same framework will override the credential that is saved in the system.
Listing all credentials
To list credential that is in the system:
lc cloud list
Removing a credential
To remove credential that is in the system:
lc cloud delete –id <credential-id>
Use Cloud Credential List to get the ID of the credential to be deleted.